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Can I use it on instant object removal online. Tip: You can also use Use Content-Aware Fill to remove used is not clear.
Can I use it on instant object removal online. Tip: You can also use Use Content-Aware Fill to remove used is not clear.
This is the panorama I created in the tutorial as it appeared right after running the Photomerge command, which left me with lots of empty blank space around the image:. Tip: You can also use Pincel to add new objects to a photo instead. Both features let Photoshop analyze the contents of the image to figure out what the photo would have looked like if the unwanted object or area had never been there. The top of the mountain looks a little strange, and a couple of areas look like a repeating pattern, but what we're left with now is nothing more than a quick clean up with the standard Healing Brush or the Clone Stamp Tool rather than having to put in a lot more time and effort by doing it all ourselves. There's another distracting object of some sort in the bottom right corner of the photo that I'd like to remove, so I'll use the standard Lasso Tool this time to draw a quick selection around it:.