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Conclusion: TuMangaOnline - Lee Mangas your go-to platform for all all your manga, manhua, novel, favorite manga, manhuas, and novels.
How to search for finished or complete works by the real state of the author of the workEach project can be carried out by several scans and consequently not all the groups abandon or finish a work at the same time, for this reason the statuses have been differentiated into two types: Real status of the work by its author Publishing, Finished, In hiatus or abandoned and status of translation groups Active, Abandoned, Finished In the same manga tab next to the groups you can find the status of the work regarding its translation and next to the manga information you will find the actual status of the manga by the author. In this way the states of the web Following, pending, seen, etc Kodomo: aimed at young children. Download today and immerse yourself in the captivating world of manga. Whether you're a fan of action, romance, fantasy, or comedy, you'll find something to suit your taste here.